Residential Care Services
Residential Care Services

Bought Place Scheme


Enhanced Bought Place Scheme (EBPS) (providing Care and Attention Place)

For the list of Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHEs) joining the EBPS, please click the icon below.


Care and Attention Place Bought Place Scheme
Enhanced Bought Place Scheme (EBPS)

For further details, you may click here linking up to the Social Welfare Department website.


Nursing Home Place Purchase Scheme(NHPPS)

For RCHEs joining the NHPPS, please click the icon below.

Nursing Home Place Purchase Scheme
Nursing Home Place Purchase Scheme

Note: The service information on this website is only confined to RCHEs licenced under the Residential Care Home (Elderly Persons) Ordinance (Cap. 459, Laws of Hong Kong) and joining NHPPS.

For further details, you may click here linking up to the Social Welfare Department website.